You will also want to install oxygen-gtk2 and oxygen-gtk3 themes available in the arch repositories.
To configure the themes for gtk applications run the following command for kde-gtk-config:
kcmshell4 kde-gtk-configFor kde-gtk-config-frameworks
kcmshell5 kde-gtk-configBasically kde-gtk-config-frameworks is built for kf5 and kde-gtk-config is for kde4. I use kde-gtk-config on plasma5 since it is in the arch repositories.
Note: to configure the theme of root gtk applications run the previous commands with kdesu.
Another thing to note is that the configuration files don't get created automatically so even if kde-gtk-config shows that it's configured gtk applications to use oxygen-gtk theme it might not be. Therefore change the themes for gtk2 and gtk3 applications to something else and apply then change it back oxygen-gtk if you wish.